Breast Implant Replacement
You may feel it is time to replace your current breast implants and you may have decided that you want to increase or decrease the size of your implants. There are many reasons why you may decide to replace her implants, and we’re here to help you choose the best option.
Many women feel after a number of years of having breast implants that they would like to replace them. Breast Reaugmentation surgery involves removing the existing implants and replacing them with implants of the same, or different size.
Reasons for replacement may include medical reasons such as capsular contracture, ruptured implants, concerns about the integrity of your implants and implants that have sunk below the natural breast crease (bottoming out).
There are also cosmetic reasons such as wishing to increase or decrease the size of the implant. As your body ages and after childbirth, implants that were once a perfect fit may no longer suit your body shape.
Consultant Plastic Surgeon discusses common reasons why patients may choose to remove or replace their breast implants.
Which includes:
- Patients are not happy with the size, position or shape or their implants.
- Lifestyle changes have affected the appearance of their implants including pregnancy and weight fluctuations.
- Patients implants have dropped too low on the chest (bottoming out).
- Patients are experiencing capsular contracture causing the implants to feel hard and look misshapen.
- Patients implants moved or rotated creating an uneven appearance.
- Patients implants have settled too far apart creating a large gap between the breasts (lateral displacement).
- Patients implants were made by PIP or are concerned that they may be made by PIP and want them replaced.
- Patients may be having another procedure and want their implants updated at the same time.
- Patients just don’t want an implant anymore.
If you are interested in breast implant removal only, but concerned about the shape and size of your breasts after surgery then our Breast Auto Augmentation may be the ideal solution. This advanced breast surgery procedure involves a specialised uplift technique that uses your own natural breast tissue to replicate the effect of an implant to help retain the shape and lifted appearance of the breast.
PIP Breast Implant Removal
Many women choose to have breast reaugmentation surgery as their current implants were made by PIP and they want them replaced.
The Look Younger Clinic is a well-known provider of breast implant replacement surgery. We have a reputation as a trusted cosmetics provider following the PIP breast implant scandal that affected many of our competitors. The Look Younger Clinic was one of very few clinics to have never used PIP products.
Breast implant replacement still continues to be one of our most commonly performed procedures. Our breast surgeons ensure care, sensitivity and discretion are given to such a big decision.
What surgical options are available for breast implant replacement?
Breast Implant Replacement or Breast reaugmentation – Your original implants are removed but are then replaced by new implants which can be the same size, smaller (breast implant downsizing), bigger or a different shape such as tear drop.
Breast Capsulectomy – Capsular contracture can cause pain and distortion in the appearance of your bust. A capsulectomy procedure removes the capsule which is the lining around your implant and then you can either have the original implant removed or replaced.
Enbloc – An enbloc procedure is when the implant and the capsule are removed at the same time with the implant still inside the intact scar tissue capsule. It can be difficult to guarantee that a total enbloc is possible as in some cases the capsule tissue is very thin or tightly attached to the chest wall, in which case a breast capsulectomy may be performed instead. Your breast surgeon will be able to discuss your options with you in more detail at a consultation.
Breast Implant Removal with Uplift (Mastopexy) – This combined procedure may be recommended if your surgeon feels your breast tissue has stretched. The procedure will ensure that after the implant is removed your nipple is lifted back up to its natural position.
In some cases, you may decide to have your implants removed and not replaced.
Breast Implant Removal / Breast Explant – Your breast implants are removed and no further surgery is performed.
Breast Auto-Augmentation – A breast auto augmentation is a great option for patients who wish to remove their implants but still wish to retain volume. Your surgeon will use your existing breast tissue to reshape the breast giving you fullness in the upper bust along with an uplifted appearance.
The Consultation
Your implant exchange procedure will begin with a consultation with one of our expert breast surgeons at a clinic of your choice.
At your consultation, you will be able to discuss your concerns and find out what your options to see which approach will be most suitable for you.
When it comes to replacing an implant, you will need to consider different breast implant shapes and sizes and what look you wish to achieve with your new implants.
Your surgeon will then:
- Review your medical history
- Examine your breasts
- Recommend an implant type, size, and position
- Discuss your expectations from the surgery
- Detail the risks and complications of implant replacement surgery
- Go through the aftercare and recovery process
You will then be allocated a dedicated patient coordinator who will be your point of contact if you wish to proceed with the procedure.
During your journey, you may decide to have a number of consultations with your plastic surgeon and their nursing team before deciding to go ahead with surgery.
Pre-Operative Appointment
In the interests of patient safety all our patients are assessed against our patient selection criteria.
Following your breast implant reaugmentation consultation your medical history will be reviewed and the pre-operative nurse will choose which pre-operative tests to carry out which are going to be most appropriate to you.
Most breast implant replacement pre-operative assessments include a blood test, MRSA swabs, urine test and a blood pressure test.
They will also advise you of any precautions you need to take in the days or weeks leading up to your breast implant replacement procedure and advise on any medication that you should stop taking before procedure.
Breast Implant Replacement Surgery
On the day of your operation the medical team will ensure you are comfortable. Your breast implant replacement procedure is performed under general anaesthetic and will take 1-2 hours.
You will be given an admission time which usually involves you arriving an hour before the agreed start time of surgery.
Once admitted:
- The nursing team will record your blood pressure and prep you for surgery.
- You will meet with the surgeon who will go through the procedure again and answer any questions.
- Pre-operative photos will be taken.
- Your chest will be marked up ready for surgery.
The Procedure
- General anaesthetic will be administered by the anaesthesiologist.
- Your breast surgeon will use your existing scars to remove your old implant.
- A capsulectomy or enbloc may be performed depending on condition of implants, capsules, and preference of the patient.
- Your new implants will be placed into the breast pocket.
- The incision will then be closed with dissolvable stitches and covered with tape.
- A surgical bra will then also be placed onto the patient which will need to be worn during your recovery period.
- You will then be taken to recover in a recovery room for 1-3 hours.
Once the surgeon and nursing team are happy that you are safe to return home, you will be discharged and allowed to leave accompanied by a family member or friend.
After your breast implant replacement procedure
A member of our nursing team will usually call you the day following your procedure to ensure you are feeling comfortable and recovering well.
You will have been given details of our dedicated on-call nursing team who can be contacted 24 hours a day, 7 days a week should you have any worries or concerns during your recovery time.
Strenuous activities and exercise should be avoided for 6 weeks and ideally, you should have 1-2 weeks off work to recover.
A series of follow-up appointments will be scheduled which includes a 1-week check-up appointment with a nurse and then your 6-week post-operative appointment with your surgeon.
At 6 weeks, you should be back to your everyday activities and your surgeon will be able to advise you on anything you are unsure of and answer any questions.
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