Inverted & Flat Nipple Correction Surgery
Many people feel embarrassed about their inverted nipples or flat nipples, which can also result in a lack of confidence, leaving them feeling self-conscious and insecure about their bodies.
Although it’s a subject that isn’t discussed as often as it should be, surgical nipple corrections are not at all uncommon. Correcting inverted and flat nipples is a quick and simple procedure which can be performed under local anaesthetic on women and men.
What causes a flat or inverted nipple?
Nipple inversion causes include:
- When the breast ducts are too short.
- Tightening of the duct’s tissue due to an imbalance in traction between them and the smooth muscle that keeps nipples erect.
- Too much connective tissue in the nipple.
What are the three different grades of flat and inverted nipples?
- Grade 1: The nipples occasionally become evert due to stimuli such as temperature or arousal. They can be made to protrude and stay that way, by manipulating them with your fingers. Breastfeeding is usually possible in this case.
- Grade 2: Nipples can be made to protrude but won’t stay evert without finger pressure. Here breastfeeding can be problematic at times.
- Grade 3: The nipples are completely retracted and flat. They can’t be pulled out even with physical manipulation. If the nipples are constricted, you may not be able to breastfeed.
Inverted Nipple Correction for Men
We are also able to perform inverted nipple correction for men who are experiencing flat or inverted nipple/s. The procedure is performed in the same way however no milk ducts are cut. In most cases, inverted nipples in men are caused by tethering, so whatever is holding the nipple in the inverted position will be cut.
We also have procedures for Enlarged Nipple Reduction.
How does inverted or flat nipple surgery work?
Consultant Plastic Surgeon explains how an inverted nipple correction procedure works to release the inverted nipple.
The Consultation
Inverted or Flat nipple correction consultations will take place with one of our expert plastic surgeons.
During this consultation, your surgeon will be able to assess your suitability for surgery and discuss the options available.
Your surgeon will then also:
- Review your medical history
- Discuss your expectations from surgery
- Detail the risks and complications of Inverted Nipple surgery
- Go through the aftercare and recovery process
You will then be allocated a dedicated patient coordinator who will be your point of contact should you wish to go ahead with the procedure.
Pre-Operative Appointment
In the interests of patient safety all our patients are assessed against our patient selection criteria.
Following your inverted nipple consultation your medical history will be reviewed and the pre-operative nurse will choose which pre-operative tests you require.
They will also advise you of any precautions you need to take in the days or weeks leading up to your inverted nipple correction procedure and advise on any medication that you should stop taking ahead of your procedure.
Inverted Nipple Correction Surgery
The procedure lasts approximately 30 minutes (15mins on each side) and is performed under local anaesthetic. Nipple Correction can also be performed in conjunction with other procedures such as Breast Augmentation or Breast Reduction.
You will be given an admission time to arrive at the hospital, this is usually an hour before your surgery start time.
Once admitted:
- The nursing team will record your blood pressure and prep you for surgery.
- You will meet with the surgeon who will go through the procedure again and answer any questions.
- Pre-operative photos will be taken.
The Procedure:
- Local anaesthetic will be administered to the areas being treated.
- A small incision will be made at the base of the nipple.
- If the inversion is mild to moderate, then the surgeon will look to stretch the milk ducts that are pulling the nipple inwards.
- If your nipple inversion is more severe than your surgeon may choose to instead cut, or divide, the milk ducts.
- Once the surgeon stretches or cuts the milk ducts, they will use stitches to secure the nipple in its new projected position
- The incision is closed, and dressing applied to the nipple.
- You will be taken to one of the recovery rooms.
- Once the surgeon and nursing team are happy that you are safe you return home, you will be discharged and allowed to leave accompanied by a family member or friend.
After your inverted nipple procedure
You will have been given details of how to contact us 24 hours a day, 7 days a week should you have any worries or concerns during your recovery time.
We recommend that patients allow 2-3 days before returning to work following an inverted nipple procedure to allow any initial discomfort to subside. You will have been provided with all the post-op medication and instructions on how to take by your surgeon.
You will need to avoid exercise and strenuous activities for 2 weeks.
You will be required to attend a series of follow-up appointments at The Look Younger Clinic which include a 1-week check-up appointment with a nurse and then your 6-week post-operative appointment with your surgeon. At this stage you should be back to your everyday activities and your surgeon will be able to advise you on anything that you are unsure of or have questions about.
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