
Related procedures:  Platlet Rich Plasma, Laser Skin Resurfacing, Chemical Peel , Chin Lipo

Rhinoplasty before and after
nose job
Rhinoplasty before and after
Rhinoplasty before and after
Rhinoplasty before and after
Rhinoplasty before and after
Indian nose rhinoplasty
Rhinoplasty before and after
Indian nose rhinoplasty


Cost Rhinoplasty

Monthly Plan

£1200 deposit and £30 per month for 12 months.

Pay £1550 and have nose job.

The best candidate for rhinoplasty is the one who their nose is disproportionate to their face, in other words when photos taken from front or side , nose occupies bigger space than most people, other good candidates will be the one with obvious problem with nose.

  • Is not the right size for their face (either a nose that is too large or too small)
  • Has a bump on the bridge of the nose
  • Seems too wide for their face
  • Has an issue with the tip of the nose, including a bulbous, protruding, drooping, or over-sized nasal tip
  • Has nostrils that are either flared or pinched
  • Is crooked or asymmetrical

It is important to know the differences in open or closed rhinoplasty. In rhinoplasty, the bone and/or cartilage will be altered, and there are only two ways to access these structure of the nose so we can make the necessary changes: open and closed. During the closed rhinoplasty approach, 2 incisions are made within the inside of the nose. It is through these incisions that all alterations will be made.

An open rhinoplasty includes the same two incisions, but with one additional incision connecting the two, across the columella. That final connecting incision is called a trans-columellar incision, and it allows to open the skin of the nose – or unveil the nose. Depending on what the surgeon is trying to do, each approach has its advantages and disadvantages.

The ability to open up the nose in an open rhinoplasty, allows the surgeon to actually see the anatomy underneath. We believes that given today’s modern and detailed techniques he likes to use, the open approach is often the better choice for three reasons:

  1. An open rhinoplasty allows you to measure and truly analyze the anatomy of the nose. A true expert in rhinoplasty, Dr. Rahban spends substantial time examining and understanding the anatomy of each person’s nose, so he can do the most detailed and accurate of work. An open rhinoplasty gives the surgeon the ability to see any asymmetry or abnormalities that were not clear from an external examination.
  2. Beyond being able to better see the anatomy of the nose, the open rhinoplasty allows the surgeon to be much more precise. Given that the nose is such a prominent feature, and such a delicate structure, the more precision in a rhinoplasty, the better.
  3. The final advantage of an open rhinoplasty is that in the case of Dr. Rahban’s surgeries – he tends to use advanced cartilage grafting techniques for many of his cases. With an open rhinoplasty he is better able to – and more accurately – place the grafts which give more long term support and structure.

For these reasons, an open rhinoplasty lends itself to better access and better results.


Those who do not like using open rhinoplasty tend to cite two reasons for this. First, an open rhinoplasty results in a scar because of the trans-columellar incision. While this is true, the scar heals so well in most cases, that it becomes virtually invisible.

Although we  prefers an open approach in many cases, we believe a closed rhinoplasty can be a very viable approach as well. We  have performed many rhinoplasties both open and closed, and says where only a small amount of work is warranted, a closed rhinoplasty may be a good choice.

Although the scar with an open rhinoplasty becomes almost invisible in many patients, the closed rhinoplasty does have the advantage of having no scar. Additionally, a closed rhinoplasty has a short term advantage of having somewhat less swelling during the recovery period. If your nose job can be done closed, it is worthwhile to have the conversation about whether this option makes sense for you.

A closed rhinoplasty may be a good choice for some patients who need a minimal amount of work done. However, in treating thousands of patients,we find that often people need more work done on their nose than they think. In many cases a patient will ask for what seems like a small cosmetic change, but learns their request may involve a more significant amount of detail-oriented work.

We are  committed to creating the foundation of a nose job that will last well through the aging process, instead of making quick cosmetic changes with only short-term benefits. During a detailed private consultation, many patients come to realize that even the small cosmetic change they’re requesting, has greater implications on the nose’s structure and architecture, to give them the results they seek. A closed rhinoplasty, in many cases, does not provide the visibility or access to allow a surgeon to perform the most detailed and accurate of bone and cartilage enhancements.

One important consideration when thinking about open vs closed rhinoplasty, is whether your nose job will be reconstructive or reductive. A reductive rhinoplasty involves removing from the nose. This is more common in patients who feel their nose is too large for their face.

A reductive rhinoplasty – which can be done closed in some cases – is somewhat more simple in technique, compared to a reconstructive rhinoplasty. A reconstructive rhinoplasty often involves our  most advanced techniques, and is best performed as an open procedure. With the amount of work needed for a complex reconstructive surgery, open rhinoplasty gives the visibility and access necessary to do comprehensive work on each part of the nose’s structure.

Rhinoplasty is done to improve how face looks like, it can be combined with chin lipo , cheek lipo, to achieve slimmer face which looks more attractive. Also chemical peel or laser skin resurfacing can be combined with it.

  • make your nose smaller     
  • change the shape of your nose , like reducing the width of nose or the height of it.
  • change the angle between the nose and top lip , to make it look up.

Procedure itself takes around 90 minutes, it is day case you will go home on same day, but you will have plaster on nose and stitch , both of them will be removed in one week, after one week you can go back to work.


London: Peel House, 32-44 London Road, Morden, London SM4 5BT Chichester: 37A South St, Chichester PO19 1EL

ELkowser, Hurghada , Egypt.

el tagamo3 ( 5th Settlement) , New Cairo, Egypt.


You will need to have one week off after this procedure.We advise to avoid sitting for one week (we used to advise for 2 weeks but we found this is difficult to comply with) we want the least pressure on fat cells to improve survival. if you can, take breaks from sitting, avoid putting pressure on upper half of bum while you sitting by moving away

£4,000 to £7,000

How much nose reshaping costs. The cost of nose reshaping in the UK ranges from £4,000 to £7,000. You should also factor in the cost of any consultations, further surgery or follow-up care you may need.

Cosmetic surgery is not routinely provided on the NHS.

For example, the NHS might pay for: breast enlargement (implants) – if you have very uneven breasts or no breasts, and it’s causing significant psychological distress. nose reshaping (rhinoplasty) – if you have breathing problems.

The conditions for getting your medical insurance to pay for your rhinoplasty are similar to those of the NHS, but check your policy coverage. Normally the rhinoplasty must be for functional reasons only, such as breathing difficulties, injury or congenital defects.

The majority of people who undergo rhinoplasty surgery feel happy with their results. If you ask these individuals who went through treatment if getting rhinoplasty surgery was worth it, you better believe they’re going to say yes.

Summary of answer. If there is some defect in the nose and the purpose of the cosmetic surgery is to remove that defect, then there is nothing wrong with nose jobs (rhinoplasty). But if the purpose is simply to make it more beautiful, then it is not permissible to do this cosmetic nose surgery.

a lifetime

Your rhinoplasty results should last a lifetime. If there is no need for a revision to refine your primary rhinoplasty results, you should not require any maintenance procedures.

Whether or not you can get free nose surgery in the UK depends on why you’re getting it. If it’s for functional (reconstructive) purposes, the NHS or even private insurance is likely to cover it. However, it’s not likely if the reasons are purely cosmetic. Cosmetic surgery is considered to be of low clinical priority.

Is rhinoplasty painful? Not for most people. One day after surgery, most people rate their pain between 0 and 4 out of 10.

What to Expect 3 Weeks After Rhinoplasty – Dr. McElwee

3 Weeks Post-Rhinoplasty: What to Expect

At the three-week mark, patients can expect some improvement in their overall recovery process. The swelling and bruising around the nose and eyes should start to subside, and patients may feel more comfortable breathing through their nose.

Depending on the practice and your schedule, the surgery can be set up anywhere from a week to six weeks after your second consultation. You’ll want to stay healthy before surgery.

Rhinoplasty is a very safe surgery in general, but it does carry slight risks, which tend to increase with the patient’s age.

If you’ve been watching your rhinoplasty heal over time and you’re still thinking “I don’t like my nose”, it’s not unheard of. As many as 10-15% of cosmetic nose surgeries result in unhappy clients who will choose to undergo a second procedure to fix it.

These cosmetic and surgery experts agreed that aesthetic rhinoplasty leads to increased facial beautification. So, in short, yes, a nose job is worth it. However, the key is to have realistic expectations and to choose a doctor who specializes in cosmetic nasal surgery

Scarring from rhinoplasty is possible, but if it occurs, it is minimal. The external scar from a rhinoplasty typically appears on the columella, which is the part of the nose that separates the nostrils. Typically, the scar heals imperceptibly but may occasionally be visible.

Numerous rhinoplasty procedures could result in atrophic skin–soft tissue envelope and significant scarring. Unrealistic expectations — while wrong expectations don’t affect the safety of the surgery, they could impact the recovery process, making the procedure dangerous for the patient.

If there is a significant overbite and the chin is still recessed, then it may be wise to wait on rhinoplasty until the overbite is corrected with braces. However, if the issue with the teeth is minor, then the rhinoplasty can proceed while the patient still has braces.

The soft tissues contain collagen, and collagen breaks down over time. This means that any nose will eventually droop, stretch, and change shape. These alterations may appear more significant on a nose that has previously undergone rhinoplasty, as the internal structure of the nose has already been compromised.

Unfortunately, this goal is simply not possible to achieve. Once the nose has been opened in any fashion and surgery has been performed, irreversible changes occur that can’t be returned.

A rhinoplasty fail can be happen because of an inexperienced surgeon performing surgery, but it can also result from overly aggressive surgery or a surgery that was not aggressive enough.

Nose Job Recovery: 8 Things to Avoid After Rhinoplasty to Maximise Results

  • Blowing Your Nose. It may sound like an obvious one, but don’t blow your nose. …
  • Wearing Glasses. …
  • Taking a Shower. …
  • Being Out in the Sun. …
  • Touching Your Nose. …
  • Lying Flat on Your Back. …
  • Drinking Alcohol and Smoking. …
  • Wearing Makeup.

Based on new scientific research and results, the answer is yes, your voice can change after rhinoplasty. Rhinoplasty patients may notice changes in the sound of their voice, but these changes usually do not cause problems with speech function.

With local anesthesia, the nose and the area around it are numbed. You will probably be lightly sedated, but awake during the surgery (relaxed and not feeling pain). General anesthesia allows you to sleep through the operation. The surgery is usually done through a cut (incision) made inside the nostrils.

In some cases, the unwanted scar tissue will contribute to development of prominent contours and bumps that can distract from the final rhinoplasty result. Taping the nasal skin can minimize the likelihood of these undesirable occurrences.

It is normal to have edema (swelling) of the nose after rhinoplasty. This can last for up to several months. I recommend that you discuss your concerns with your surgeon.

Prolonged swelling after rhinoplasty may occur due to several factors, such as fluid retention, poor adherence to post-operative guidelines, or some rare complications. Persistent swelling could indicate increased rhinoplasty recovery time, warranting discussions with your surgeon on possible revision surgery.

Why Rhinoplasty may Fail. Rhinoplasty failure occurs in only 5- to 10 percent of cases. Reasons that patients may consider revision rhinoplasty include: The outcome of the initial procedure does not suit the face.

Side effects aside, rhinoplasty does carry risks, which include: Difficulty breathing through the nose. Persisting pain, discoloration, and swelling. Scarring.

You can get rhinoplasty surgery as many times as you’d like, but each round of rhinoplasty is more difficult than the last, and it leaves room for more things to go wrong. Especially if closed scarless rhinoplasty is not an option for you, having multiple surgeries on the same area can make scarring more noticeable

A: It is usually not necessary to remove skin from the nose during or after rhinoplasty. The skin generally shrinks to fit the new contour over the year following the procedure. I wonder if you really need skin removed or if you are just not pleased with your new shape — for example, is the tip droopy.

If your nose was the subject of ridicule during your childhood or adolescence, you might feel much better mentally after having it fixed. With a nose you love, you won’t be critical of the way you look in pictures, nor tempted to Photoshop your face. You might actually feel inclined to take more pictures of yourself!

Rhinoplasty can influence the appearance of the upper lip and make it look longer, but it does not actually change the height. If you express interest in making your upper lip more visible, your facial plastic surgeon may rotate or change the position of the nasal tip during a rhinoplasty procedure.

It all depends on the surgeon and what a patient desires, obviously, but in general, most people will not notice that you’re had a rhinoplasty reformed! However, people may notice that you look better, even if they can’t quite place the difference

Unnatural-looking nose

  1. Too upturned nose. Natural snub noses are common, but not many people have a nose that is extremely turned-up. …
  2. Pinched nasal tip. …
  3. Too large or too small (or asymmetrical) nostrils.

Don’t fear- acne breakouts after cosmetic surgery are actually quite common, for a few reasons. Thankfully, they are generally temporary just like many of the other, expected post-operative symptoms like swelling or bruising.

During closed rhinoplasty, the surgical incisions are made inside the nostrils rather than on the visible skin. This approach ensures that a closed rhinoplasty scar should never be visible, producing what is essentially a completely scar-free result.

Closed Rhinoplasty
This is the most popular type of nose job because all the incisions are left hidden inside the nose. Once you are healed from the procedure, you won’t have any visible scarring.

Rhinoplasty surgery can correct this. Now, while the average facelift makes you look about seven to ten years younger, a nose job is said to be somewhere around 3 years younger on average. However, a rhinoplasty can be combined with a facelift or other anti-aging procedure for even better results.


If you have an open rhinoplasty, the swelling often takes longer. The problem is that swelling can last up to a year and sometimes longer, but that doesn’t mean your nose doesn’t look good during the year after surgery. It will look good, but not “perfect”.

Your nose is one of your most defining features, and how it looks can have a huge impact on your confidence. You might find that you don’t like the shape or size of your nose, or a previous injury may have left it crooked or uneven. The Look Younger Clinic are specialists in Rhinoplasty(Nose Job).

A Rhinoplasty or Nose Job is a plastic surgery procedure aimed at correcting or reconstructing the shape of the nose. It is frequently performed to enhance the aesthetic appearance and improve proportion of the face. It can also help for medical reasons to restore nasal functions such as breathing and correct a deviated septum. Nose surgery is one of the most popular cosmetic surgery operations and accounted for 10% of all operations in 2019 in the UK.

Here at The Look Younger  Clinic we specialise in all types of nose reshaping including Caucasian and ethnic nose reshaping. Our patients include men and women of Arabic, Mediterranean, Asian and African ethnicity.

The Look Younger Clinic have some of the UK’s best and most experienced Consultant Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeons performing our Rhinoplasty (Nose Reshaping) procedures including  in London Harley Street,  in Manchester and Liverpool, in LondonNorthampton and Birmingham,  in Manchester and consultations with patient coordinators.




Book a Consultation

Rhinoplasty / Nose Surgery at a glance

Procedure Time
2 – 3 hours

Anaesthetic Type
General anaesthetic

Hospital Stay
Day case

Support Garments
Nasal splint 7-10 days

1 day

1 week

Up & Mobile
1 day

Sexual Activity
3 weeks

Back to work
1 – 2 weeks

3 weeks

Full Recovery Time
6 weeks

Final Results
6 – 12 months

Elevated on back for 2 weeks to 2 months

3 – 10 weeks

What can nose surgery achieve?

  • Narrow the bridge of the nose
  • Reshape the tip of the nose
  • Widen or narrow the nostrils
  • Reshape the bridge of the nose
  • Reshape the whole profile of the nose
  • Remove bone and cartridge off the nose to reduce the size
  • Help with breathing difficulties
  • Correct a nose previously broken (commonly called a nasal fracture) from a sporting incident
  • Correct a deviated septum or crooked nose (can be caused by a nose fracture)
  • Correct a cartilage and bone fracture due to an accident from sport

What are the different types of Cosmetic nose surgery?

  • Standard rhinoplasty – Full nose correction of the bridge, nose tip and alar bases (nostrils)
  • Septo-rhinoplasty – Full nose correction, including the alteration of a deviated nasal septum (the cartilage partition in the nose). If you suffer from symptoms of a deviated septum, this procedure is also suitable
  • Rhino-tip – Correction of the tip and alar bases




Can you fix a nasal fracture from a sports injury, car accident or even a fall?

Broken noses from sporting activities such as rugby, football or other contact sports, or a car crash or even a fall can be corrected at The Private Clinic. Come and see our nose surgeons to discuss the most suitable options to restore your nose shape.

Ask us a question

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  Preferred Clinic Location *Birmingham Bournemouth Buckinghamshire Harley Street, London Leeds London Hospital Manchester Milton Keynes Northampton Liverpool Preferred Clinic Location *



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Rhinoplasty Before & After Photos

Our excellent reputation for patient safety and satisfaction, honest advice and outstanding care means your journey with The Look Younger Clinic will be an exciting experience. Take a look at some of our Rhinoplasty surgery results below.










What to Expect

The Look Younger Clinic has been treating patients for over 40 years with thousands of people placing their trust in us each year. We pride ourselves on being able to offer a personalised service. We have a team of friendly nurses and expert surgeons who understand the importance of this decision and will support you throughout your journey with us.

  • Consultation
  • Pre-Operation
  • The Procedure
  • Aftercare

The Consultation

At your consultation, your surgeon will give a comprehensive assessment which includes an evaluation of the inside and outside of your nose.

This will allow your surgeon to assess which techniques would be suitable for your nose. It is also your chance to discuss what you wish to achieve from surgery as well as going through any questions you may have about the procedure and talk through any concerns.

Your plastic surgeon will also go through what rhinoplasty surgery involves, the risks associated with rhinoplasty surgery and what aftercare and downtime you would require post-surgery. You will also be provided with a Rhinoplasty Patient Guide which will have all the information you need to know about the procedure. You will leave your consultation feeling well-informed about the procedure to be able to make a decision about if to go ahead with surgery or not.

To book a consultation, use our online contact form.