Look Younger Clinic

Look Younger Clinic
Cosmetic and Weight Loss Surgery at Affordable Prices

Tuberous Breast Correction Surgery

Tuberous breasts, also known as tubular breasts, constricted breasts or breast hypoplasia is an abnormality of the breast shape. Patients with tuberous breasts may notice that their breasts have a tight narrow base and tend to be oval or pointed in shape. It is common for tuberous breasts to be asymmetric and it is common for the areola area to be domed and enlarged.

What causes tuberous breasts?

It is not known what causes tuberous breasts and you don’t often know that you have them until puberty. As the breast begins to grow there is a lack of breast tissue development which results in the droopy appearance. Many patients feel troubled and are embarrassed about the appearance of their chest.

Although relatively common, tuberous breasts can vary in severity. A mild form of tubular breasts may just be pointy boobs, breasts with a high breast crease that have a short distance from the nipple to the fold under the breast. In more severe cases tuberous breasts can take on an elongated, tubular breast shape with doming of the areola.


What type of surgery is required to correct a tuberous breast?

Tuberous breasts can be corrected with cosmetic surgery and the technique used will depend on the severity of your tubular breasts and what your desired result is. Usually a specialised breast augmentation technique is used to release the constricted tissue, increase the volume and stretch out the tissue. Some patients may need a mastopexy/breast uplift to tighten the breast if they don’t want a breast implant.