Liposuction Tummy In Turkey
Related procedures: BBL, Breast Reduction, Breast Augmentation with Fat.
Liposuction Tummy
Cost Tummy Lipo
Monthly Plan
£1000 deposit and £30 per month for 12 months.
Tummy liposuction
Pay £1000 and have it done and pay the rest £30 per month for 12 months.
The ideal candidate for this procedure is a client who has significant amount of fat in tummy with no or little stretch marks and she wants to look good in clothing and has not finished her family.
They are commonly combined together to achieve smaller tummy and bigger bum with hourglass figure.
We have lots of videos for both procedures in our youtube channel
Breast fat augmentation is commonly combined with Tummy lipo, also lipo tummy makes tummy smaller and give breasts better look.
Waist result shows between 3 to 4 weeks, Tummy will take longer normally 3 months and final result in 6 months.
We should not exceed 5 litres of fat removed in one day.
Awake liposuction involves injecting fluid containing local anaesthetic in area that needs liposuction, Patient will be awake throughout procedure and can have a friend or family member with her all the time. It is safer type of local anesthetic that can be done for patients with high BMI. Awake Lipo is our preferred way as it is safer.
London: Peel House, 32-44 London Road, Morden, London SM4 5BT Chichester: 37A South St, Chichester PO19 1EL
ELkowser, Hurghada , Egypt.
el tagamo3 ( 5th Settlement) , New Cairo, Egypt.
in our opinion, we are the busiest clinic in the UK performing this procedure. We were one of the first clinics in UK to offer liposuction under local anaesthetics with no sedation. We offer it in London and Chichester. Local anaesthetics improve safety by avoiding risks of general anaesthetics and also reduce risks of internal organ injury. We offer procedure consultation in London and Chichester, where you meet our Dr and he will answer all your questions about the procedure, you will then have 2 weeks to think about it and read our consent form for procedure and decide if it is the the right thing for you or not.
You will need to have one week off after this procedure.We advise to avoid sitting for one week (we used to advise for 2 weeks but we found this is difficult to comply with) we want the least pressure on fat cells to improve survival. if you can, take breaks from sitting, avoid putting pressure on upper half of bum while you sitting by moving away
You will wear a compression garment for 3 months. We advise you about lymphatic drainage massage to accelerate healing. We also advise you about certain exercises to improve the shape of the bum. You will see the Doctor at 6 weeks and at 3 months. However, if any problem you can see them earlier. Also you will need to wear anti embolic socks for 6 weeks.
Smoking is highly discouraged before and after BBL as it delays healing process. Stop oral contraceptive pills as they increase the risk of blood clots. Stop ALL medications/ herbs/ vitamins before procedure, Discuss any regular medication with us. Recovery from BBL under local anaesthetic is quick however immediate care after surgery is important. You should plan to have a responsible person with you who will help you the first day and make sure you eating and drinking properly. We will give you a list of items to buy for post operative care mainly pads or towels to absorb any excess anaesthetic solution.
Shower with Hibiscrub at home before you come to clinic. Do not apply moisturisers, eat light meal. You can come to clinic by public transport but you will have to be driven back, you can not use public transport. Wear loose, comfortable, washable pants and shoes that can be removed easily. Wear a washable shirt or blouse that button or snaps so that you will not need to pull it over your head. When you arrive we will take you to your room, another check of your medical history and allergy will be confirmed. Please bring the consent forms and information sheets with you to clinic all signed. Dr will mark you in front of mirror which will be similar to the marking he done previously during consultation.You will be given antibiotic and a medication to make you relax. Then we will start infusing local aneasthetic solution in the area we planning to remove fat from. We inject around 5-6 litres of fluid that contain local anaesthetic. This is a lengthy step and would take around 2-3 hours.During this step patients may feel skin stretched ( as if they had eaten too much) this is mainly due to volume of fluid.You can use your phone or read a book during this step. Once done we will check if it is fully numb and if so we will start procedure. Then Dr begins sculpting the area with fat using small cannula. Please note holes of lipo will heal with a scar and despite some of them can eventually disappear but you have to accept that they can be there for life and can look darker in colour. We mark the scars during consultation and before surgery. Cannula used for lipo will be attached to clean suction tube and fat collection bag. Once fat removal is done, the incisions of lipo will be left open to allow the fluid to drain. The advantage is faster draining of fluid resulting in quick recovery and less swelling. Lipo usually takes between 1-2 hours. Once fat removal done, we start fat injecting in areas agreed before.
We strongly recommend that clients to be at least 21 years old, although it can be done at 18 years old but our opinion to wait at least till client is 21 years old.
If client has diabetes or HIV or hepatitis or high blood pressure or auto immune diseases or psychiatric disorder. Please during consultation disclose all relevant medical information to us.
Local anaesthetic has many advantages first it improves safety as you may be aware fat should not be injected in muscle and when this procedure done under local, muscle is not numb and fat can not be injected in this area as it is numb, secondly it makes the procedure as out patient and patient goes home on same day to take care of her family and also reduces cost of the procedure.
Once you contact us we will send to you some information regarding procedure including cost then we will invite you to attend a free consultation to discuss your suitability for it. On day of consultation we will mark area where to take fat with a permanent marker so you will have a chance to go home and see the marking we will also mark the position of scars of lipo. We will send information sheets to you and consents forms to read at home and we will ask for blood investigations and to discuss your plan with GP in case they have any concerns. After that done we will arrange a second consultation which can be over the phone or in person then we book you in for procedure.
Liposuction involves removing fat by cannula, and amount of fat removed can be calculated on the day of surgery. it is one of the commonest cosmetic procedure in the world.
Yes, client will go home on same day, but they not expected to drive on same day .
No, client has to wait 6 months after giving birth.
Skin after liposuction will be different from loose skin that happens after weight loss surgery, due to removing fat by cannula there will be adhesions under skin that makes it tight and hard. Also skin tightening after lipo depends on age of client ( younger the better), dark skin tighten better and area fat removed. Love handles skin tighten nicely however lower belly skin not.
Area that had liposuction will have reduced number of fat cells and that makes it harder to put weight in it, more likely client will put weight in other areas first as they will have more fat cells, however if significant weight gain happens, client can put weight in the same area that had liposuction done.
One week and then client can go back to work, full recovery in 2-3 weeks. Please note that some jobs will need longer recovery before coming back to work.
5 litres of fat.
If no fat transfer, second lipo can be done 48 hours after, if fat transfer done you will need to wait 6 weeks.
One area: lower belly, upper belly, love handles, upper inner thighs , lower inner thighs, upper back.
Blood clots in lungs or calves. It is a serious complication but rare and we advise about how to avoid it. We have detailed list of complications in our Liposuction information sheet. you will be given one after consultation.
It can be done but cost will increase, for example cost of two areas is double cost of one area.
As fat removed under tattoo, you can notice change in tattoo and can be distorted. Also skin underneath will look darker.
Depending on the number of areas the treatment takes between 1 and 3 hours.
There is no guarantee of specific results and that the results can vary from one person to another.
Seroma, which is collection of fluid ( lymph) under skin, it can happen 7-10 days from procedure, client will be getting better but then report increased pain and swelling. Treatment is by syringe drainage and antibiotic. Seroma possibility depends on area of liposuction, more likely to happen if tummy or arms done than love handles. Secondly it depends on volume of fat removed, if large volume removed more likely for seroma to occur. You may be asked to be viewed on day 10 from procedure to drain it, you may have to be seen more than once till it settles.
Abdomen (Beer Belly, Spare Tire, Muffin Top, Belly Fat)
Target Zone: Stubborn, sizeable and bulging fat deposits around the abdomen
Solution: Vaser Liposuction, Micro Liposuction, Traditional liposuction
If your stomach area makes you self-conscious then Liposuction can be an effective solution. Liposuction is best performed on patients who are at their ideal weight but are struggling to loose belly fat with diet and exercise alone.
If your problem is excess fat deposits rather than sagging skin then liposuction can offer remarkable belly fat removal results resulting in a more toned and defined stomach. If sagging skin is also a problem then a tummy tuck procedure may be more suitable.
Abdominal Liposuction
Vaser Liposuction
Vaser Lipo is a body contouring procedure performed mainly under local anaesthetic with sedation. During the treatment tumescent fluid is injected to help separate fat from the connective tissue surrounding the fat cells – limiting disruption, bruising and swelling in the area. After this, a very small incision is made and a Vaser probe is inserted. This emits ultrasound energy to shake and liquefy the fat cells before they are removed by small tubes through liposuction.
Micro Lipo
Micro Lipo is a minimally invasive liposuction technique that uses small 0.3mm – 3mm microcannulas to extract the fat. The technique can remove up to 3.5 litres of fat making ideal for targeting localised belly fat. Diluted local anaesthesia is injected into the fat causing the stomach to become swollen and firm. The swelling helps separate the fat cells from the other surrounding tissue. Fat is then removed from the abdomen using microcannulas.
Traditional Liposuction
Traditional liposuction is usually performed under general anaesthetic as it is usually reserved for treating larger or multiple areas of the body. The areas being treated are injected with a solution containing anaesthetic and medication, to reduce blood loss, bruising and swelling. Fat cells are then broken up using high-frequency vibrations, a weak laser pulse or a high-pressure water jet depending on the technique being used by the surgeon. A small incision is made in the targeted areas and a suction tube attached to a vacuum machine is inserted. The surgeon will move the suction tube in a back and forth motion to help loosen excess fat in the areas being treated and suck it out.
Stomach Lipo Recovery
Abdominal liposuction is walk-in, walk-out procedure meaning that, after you’ve had time to recover and been given full guidelines to follow during recovery, you can return home the same day. Liposuction patients usually require drains for around 5 days to help aid recovery and reduce swelling. A compression garment will also need to be worn for around 6 weeks.
You may be advised to undergo MLD Massage or Body Ballancer as part of your recovery process, which we’ll advise you on and guide you through.
If you have any questions on any part of your procedure at any time, our team are at hand to help you. Our aftercare promise ensures you’ll be looked after at all times following your procedure. Our surgeons and medical teams are available in clinic should you need any additional aftercare appointments and our 24 hour patient helpline ensures you are always in the best of hands.
Success is almost entirely down to the skills of the practitioner and our doctors have had many years of experience and many thousands of happy patients.
Why Choose Vaser Lipo at Look Younger Clinic?
- Walk-in walk-out from our clinics
- Upgrade to treat more than one area in a single session.
- Local anaesthetic used, no general anaesthetic
- No hospital stay is necessary
- World-class experts across the UK
- We always offer our full Aftercare promise
Belly fat removal without surgery
- Liposuction waist -------------- £1550
- Liposuction Tummy ------------ £1550
- Liposuction Arms -------------- £1550
- Liposuction upper back--------£1550
- Liposuction Chin --------------- £1550
- Liposuction inner thighs -------- £1550
- Brazilian butt lift --------------- £1550
- BBL from tummy --------------- £1550
- BBL from upper inner thighs ----- £1550
- Breast Augmentation ---------- £1550
- Full tummy tuck---------------- £2700
- Breast Implant (Monter)-------£2700
- Rhinoplasty ------------------- £1500
- IVF----------------------------- £1500
- Hernia Repair Surgery -------- £600
- Hair transplant --------------- £800
- Labiaplasty ------------------- £1550
- Vaginal Tightening ------------ £1550
- Dental Treatment -------------- £50
- Youtube Channel