Tummy Tuck Cost New Jersey
Tummy Tuck
Cost Tummy Tuck
Monthly Plan
£2500 Deposit and £47.5 per month for 18 months.
Tummy Tuck
Tummy Tuck (Abdominoplasty) Cost
A tummy tuck or belly tuck (also known as abdominoplasty surgery) is a cosmetic surgery procedure that removes excess fat, skin, unwanted scars and stretch marks from the stomach to achieve a flatter appearance. Tummy tuck can also be called
Stomach tuck or Flat stomach surgery or belly skin removal surgery cost. Tummy Tuck London prices £2700.
Tummy tuck procedures are popular in the UK with both men and women, and they can restore life-changing confidence and improve patient’s self-esteem.
What is tummy tuck surgery?
Tummy tucks remove excess skin and fat to create the appearance of a flatter stomach and tighter abdominal muscles. It can be completed on the upper and lower abdomen or just the lower, depending on the needs of the patients.
It can take up to 3 hours for tummy tuck surgeons to remove excess loose skin, and reposition the belly button. Tummy tuck surgery is completed under general anaesthetic and has a recovery time of 6 weeks.
You can get a full tummy tuck procedure or a mini tummy tuck, depending on what you want to achieve and how much excess skin you have to remove.
Tummy Tuck cost UK
Tummy tuck prices in the UK will depend on the cosmetic surgery provider. Look Younger Clinic’s specialist surgeons are highly skilled in abdominoplasty procedures, and the techniques performed are individually tailored to the patient’s physical requirements and desired outcome.
With Look Younger Clinic, all our consultations are FREE of charge and there are no hidden costs along the way. Our patient-focused services and aftercare are included in our prices. The price for abdominoplasty (tummy tuck) surgery with Look Younger Clinic cost £2700.
We understand that the cost of an abdominoplasty plays a big part when considering cosmetic surgery. To help you with your tummy tuck research, we want to be transparent and give patients an initial guide price. Following your surgeon consultation and physical assessment, Look Younger Clinic will confirm a fixed price for the procedure and discuss the cost breakdown with you.
What’s included in the price of a Tummy Tuck?
Look Younger Clinic’s prices are reflected in our high standards of service. We offer an excellent patient care package, from your initial to our comprehensive aftercare policy, we ensure our dedicated team of Look Younger Clinic experts are on hand to guide you through each step of your journey.
The cost of a tummy tuck includes the operation itself, aftercare and any necessary compression garments to help aid healing and protect the scar.
For information about
Plus size tummy tuck Or High BMI tummy tuck please press here.
Cost of mini tummy tuck UK £2700.
Male Tummy tuck :
Essential Insights on Male Tummy Tuck
- A male tummy tuck helps remove excess skin and fat from the abdomen to create a firmer and smoother profile.
- Recovery from a male tummy tuck typically takes a few weeks, and specific guidelines must be followed for the best results.
- The cost of a male tummy tuck £2700.
- Risks associated with male tummy tuck surgery include scarring, infection, and potential complications, highlighting the importance of choosing a qualified plastic surgeon.
- Non-surgical alternatives to a male tummy tuck, like diet and exercise or cool sculpting, may be suitable for those seeking less invasive options.
Initial free consultation
You’ll receive an information pack confirming the time and date of your appointment.
Your MYA Patient Co-ordinator
You’ll receive an information pack confirming the time and date of your appointment.
Pre-operative medical assessment
A pre-operative medical assessment making sure you are fit and healthy ahead of your procedure.
Your procedure
Your procedure at one of the UK’s finest cosmetic surgery hospitals, with the option of an overnight stay in an en suite room including 24 hour room service, satellite TV and breakfast.
MYA aftercare policy
Our MYA aftercare policy including all post-operative assessments with your surgeon and one of MYA’s qualified nurses.
24 hour emergency helpline
Our 24 hour emergency helpline manned by our network of nurses, providing you with ongoing support 7 days a week, 365 days a year.
Tummy Tuck cost will be £2500 on day of surgery and £47.5 per month for 18 months.
The ideal candidate for this procedure is a person who has completed her family, has stretch marks , lax skin and weak tummy muscle, all of these can be corrected by tummy tuck. Client has to be healthy, non diabetic, non smoker and not on immune suppressive medications.
It can achieve flat stomach and a flat stomach will make breast and bum looks fullers, also it gives a younger look for the body.
We start first by liposuction the waist, then excise skin between belly button to bikini line, then under skin we put stitches to tummy muscle to tighten it , then close the wound which will be 2-3 times a caesarean section scar, we also remove any previous caesarean section scars.
Mini Tummy Tuck is the same as Full Tummy Tuck but we excise less skin and fat, it is suitable when there is not much skin to excise but there is muscle bulge. Also at the same time we release the belly button from inside and shift it downwards by around 3-4 cm, so you will still have your own belly button but just at lower point , Mini Tummy Tuck cost the same as Full Tummy Tuck. It has similar recovery period.
Minimum wait till 6 months from C section before having tummy tuck.
No , you need to wait 6 months after C section before having tummy tuck.
It happens during C section as obstetricians do not close specific layer in fat, we correct that in tummy tuck so you will not have it after tummy tuck.
Tummy Tuck will remove it and correct it.
Most important thing is to stop smoking at least two weeks before procedure, secondly take vitamins and iron tablets and eat healthy.
Surgery, hospital fees, doctors fees, anaesthesia , all pre-op and post-op appointments, anesthesia, the surgery and surgical materials, as well as any post-op compression garments. Prescription pain. Picking you at airport, staying in our recovery flats supervised by nurses, daily meal by our cook, WiFi, sim card for data.
You will improvement from first day of procedure and there will continuing improvement weekly and you see full result in 8 weeks from procedure.
Tummy Tuck leaves a scar longer than caesarean section but lower. Please stop smoking at least 6 weeks before procedure, let us know all medications you take , have high protein diet and vitamins 2-4 weeks before procedure.
At Look Younger Clinic in Hurghada, Egypt. Easy jet flies there and also worth looking for flight comparing sites like skyscanner to get the best deal. Once you in Hurghada we will meet you in airport , and you stay in our recovery flats supervised by nurses.
in our opinion, we are the busiest clinic in the UK performing this procedure. Doing procedure under spinal anaesthesia ( like casesearn section) reduces risk of general anaesthetic. Also sometimes we may ask you to divide procedure like doing lipo waist before the procedure day to reduce risk of doing too much on same day. With proper patient selection , risks of procedure are reduced . We will send to you detailed risks information after consultation.
A tummy tuck requires significant downtime Patients should expect their recovery to take two to three weeks. At the beginning, you will be fatigued, swollen and sore. It is normal to have moderate pain during these first several days, although this will steadily improve
how to care for incisions and drain tubes be aware of in terms of infection like shivering, not passing urine for 24 hours, sickness and vomiting. avoid hard physical activity that affects your incision line for six weeks We will see you daily after procedure for one week, then weekly for two weeks, then monthly for 2 months. wear the abdominal pressure garment for 6 weeks You need to walk in room in first day after procedure. We will drive you home from the hospital and help take care of you for at least the 7 days after your surgery. You can shower 48 hours after you remove your drainage tubes. You may want to take a sponge bath until you can shower. You may be advised to use a chair when showering for some time. You’ll be prescribed an antibiotic and an anticoagulant. You may be given some type of medication to apply to the skin. Take any pain medication as directed. You shouldn’t take any medicine containing aspirin unless directed by us. You should also avoid alcohol if you’re taking pain medication, and avoid any form of nicotine for at least six weeks. Smoking can hinder the healing process and may cause complications. Also you will need to wear anti embolic socks for 6 weeks.
“Look Younger Clinic” “PRE-SURGERY INSTRUCTIONS: ABDOMINOPLASTY The following instructions are essential to a safe experience and good outcome. Use this as a checklist as you approach your surgery date. This is essential to your health and safety. There may be several weeks between your decision to have surgery and your actual surgical date. During this time there are several important considerations. • Practice proper fitness: You need not engage in an aggressive or new fitness routine; however practicing good fitness habits is an important factor in your overall health and well-being. Stretching exercises and low-weight strength training now, can help to enhance your posture and your strength in the weeks following surgery. • Good nutrition. Eat well during the weeks prior to surgery. Crash dieting, over-eating or high alcohol intake can greatly affect your overall health and well-being. A healthy, balanced diet is essential. • Stop smoking. Smoking can greatly impair your ability to heal. You must be nicotine and smoke-free for at least 4 weeks prior to surgery. You must also be free of any nicotine patch or nicotine-based products for a minimum of 4 weeks prior to surgery. • Lead a healthy lifestyle. In the weeks prior to surgery maintain the best of health and hygiene. A lingering cold, virus or other illness can result in your surgery being rescheduled. Make certain to address any illness immediately, and advise our office of any serious illness or change in your health. • Prepare and plan. Schedule any time off of work, and any support you will need at home in the days following surgery, including housework, childcare, shopping and driving. Make certain a responsible adult is enlisted and confirmed to drive you to and from surgery, and that someone is confirmed available to stay with you around the clock for at 24 hours, following surgery. • Pre-surgical testing. Make certain to schedule ALL of the pre-surgical testing and clearance you have been given. • Relax and enjoy life. Stress and anxiety over life’s daily events, and even your planned surgery can affect you. While some anxiety is common, any serious stress, or distress over the thought of surgery is something you must discuss with our office. We are here to support you and answer all of your questions. We want your decision to be one made with confidence. We will give you a calming tablet the night before procedure to have relaxing deep sleep.. • Fill your prescriptions: Pain medication prescriptions will need to be filled BEFORE the day of surgery. Our office will advise you accordingly. Your prescriptions will include both pain medication and a muscle relaxant. • STOP taking the following for the duration before your surgery. Taking any of the following can increase your risk of bleeding and other complications:” “Aspirin and medications containing aspirin” “Garlic Supplements” “Ibuprofen and anti-inflammatory agents” “Green Tea or green tea extracts” “Vitamin E” “Estrogen supplements” “St. John’s Wort” “Oral contraceptives / birth control” “• Purchase any compression garments required. You may wish to purchase more than one garment for laundering purposes. Compression garments that will be required immediately after surgery will be provided by us on the day of surgery. • Find your comfort zone. Locate the most comfortable place where you can gently recline and recover. You don’t want to be testing locations or pillows the day of surgery. After the surgery, you will find it comfortable to sleep with multiple pillows or in a recliner chair. Shop for magazines, books and other things to keep you busy and entertained in the day or two following surgery. • Wax or shave your bikini area and legs. It may be uncomfortable to do so in the days immediately after surgery. • Please bring the following items for the day of your surgery: o All paperwork o Your identification (e.g. driver’s license) o Insurance card • Shower as directed before surgery. Use an anti-bacterial, fragrance-free soap. Shampoo your hair. Do not use any hair gel or other styling products, scented skin creams or moisturizers. Do not use any deodorant, hair spray, perfume or cosmetics. Remove all finger nail and toe nail polish. • Do not eat or drink anything after 12 pm (noon) the day before surgery. No candy, gum or mints. Anything more than a small amount of water as needed for brushing teeth or swallowing medication may result in the need to cancel surgery. • Dress appropriately on the day of the surgery. o Do not wear cosmetics, jewelry of any kind, contact lenses, hair clips, body piercing: (If there is something you cannot remove, let the admitting nurse know right away.) o Wear comfortable, clean, loose-fitting clothing: Do not wear jeans or any tight-fitting bottom; rather have a pair of loose, drawstring sweatpants to wear home. Wear slip on, flat shoes with a slip proof sole; no heels. Wear clean cotton socks, as the operating room can feel cool. For your comfort, wear a zip or p. No turtlenecks.”
Shower with Hibiscrub at home the night before procedure and wear washed underwear and pyjama, then have another shower in the morning with hibiscrub before you come to us.. Have private areas shaved and legs shaved 3 days before procedure. Wear loose, comfortable, washable pants and shoes that can be removed easily. Wear a washable shirt or blouse that button or snaps so that you will not need to pull it over your head. When you arrive we will take you to your room, another check of your medical history and allergy will be confirmed. Please bring the consent forms and information sheets with you to clinic all signed. Dr will mark you in front of mirror which will be similar to the marking he done previously during consultation.You will be given antibiotic and a medication to make you relax. You will be awake as we use spinal anaesthesia.
We strongly recommend that clients to be at least 21 years old, although it can be done at 18 years old but our opinion to wait at least till client is 21 years old.
If client has diabetes or HIV or hepatitis or or auto immune diseases or psychiatric disorder. Please during consultation disclose all relevant medical information to us.
In 2 weeks you should be able to go back to work, avoid lifting or straining for 6 weeks, wear compression garment for 6 weeks.
Spinal anaesthetic has many advantages first it improves safety as It is less risky than being asleep , and allow us to do a higher BMI patients.
Liposuction removes fat from belly , tummy tuck remove fat, excise loose skin and tighten muscle.
So Tummy Tuck produces better results for tummy but more serious procedure and has big scar.
Tummy Tuck is normally after you complete your family while you can have lipo and still have more kids.
Mini Tummy Tuck is very smiliar to full tummy tuck but the amount of skin excised is smaller and there is no reconstruction of belly button. If you do not have much loose skin but there is a muscle bulge you may be suitable for it. There is no much difference in cost between full tummy tuck and mini tuck.
Yes , Breast Lift or Reduction or Enlargement can be combined with Tummy Tuck, Cost in total will be £3900 for Tummy Tuck and breast surgery.
Yes, it costs £2500 deposit and £37.5 per month for 18 months.
- Liposuction waist -------------- £1550
- Liposuction Tummy ------------ £1550
- Liposuction Arms -------------- £1550
- Liposuction upper back--------£1550
- Liposuction Chin --------------- £1550
- Liposuction inner thighs -------- £1550
- Brazilian butt lift --------------- £1550
- BBL from tummy --------------- £1550
- BBL from upper inner thighs ----- £1550
- Breast Augmentation ---------- £1550
- Full tummy tuck---------------- £2700
- Breast Implant (Monter)-------£2700
- Rhinoplasty ------------------- £1500
- IVF----------------------------- £1500
- Hernia Repair Surgery -------- £600
- Hair transplant --------------- £800
- Labiaplasty ------------------- £1550
- Vaginal Tightening ------------ £1550
- Dental Treatment -------------- £50
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